The Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) is a massive member of the pelican family. It breeds from southeastern Europe to India and China in swamps and shallow lakes. The nest is a crude heap of vegetation.
No subspecies are known to exist over its wide range, but based on size differences, a Pleistocene paleosubspecies Pelecanus crispus palaeocrispus has been described from fossils recovered at Binagady, Azerbaijan.
Conservation measures have resulted in a population increase in Europe,
particularly at the species's largest colony, at Lake Mikri Prespa in
Greece, and also in other countries, following implementation of
conservation actions. However, rapid population declines in the
remainder of its range are suspected to be continuing and therefore the
species is listed as Vulnerable.
The Dalmatian Pelican is found in lakes, rivers, deltas and estuaries.
Compared to the Great White Pelican, the Dalmatian is not as tied to
lowland areas and will nest in suitable wetlands at many elevations. It
is less opportunistic in breeding habitat selection than the Great
White, usually returning to a traditional breeding site year after year
unless it becomes completely unsuitable. During the winter, the
Dalmatian Pelican usually stays on ice-free lakes in Europe or jheels (seasonal lakes) in India. They also visit, typically during winter, inshore areas along sheletered coasts for feeding.
Among a highly social family in general, Dalmatian Pelicans may have
the least social of inclinations. This species naturally nests in
relatively small group compared to most other pelican species and
sometimes may even nest alone. However, small colonies are usually
formed, which historically have included up to 250 pairs. Occasionally,
Dalmatian Pelicans may mix in with colonies of Great White Pelicans. Nesting sites selected are usually either islands in large bodies of water (typically lagoons or river deltas) or dense mats of aquatic vegetation, such as extensive reedbeds of Phragmites and Typha.
Due to their large size, these pelicans often trample the vegetation in
the area surrounding their nests into the muddy substrate and thus
nesting sites may become unsuitably muddy after around three years of
The nest is a moderately-sized pile of grass, reeds, sticks and
feathers, usually measuring about 1 m (3.3 ft) deep and 63 cm (25 in)
across. Nests are usually located on or near the ground, often being
placed on dense floating vegetation. Nests tend to be flimsy until
cemented together by droppings. Breeding commences in March or April,
about a month before the Great White Pelican breeds. The Dalmatian
Pelican lays a clutch of 1 to 6 eggs, with two eggs being the norm. Eggs
weigh between 120 and 195 g (4.2 and 6.9 oz).
Incubation, which is spilt between both parents, lasts for 30 to 34
days. The chicks are born naked but soon sprout white down feathers.
When the young are 6 to 7 weeks of age, the pelicans frequently gather
in "pods". The offspring fledge at around 85 days and become independent
at 100 to 105 days old. Nesting success relies on local environmental
conditions, with any where from 58% to 100% of hatchlings successfully
surviving to adulthood. The nesting sites often insure limited nest
predation, though carnivorous mammals who eat egg and nestling can
access nests when water levels are low enough for them to cross, as has
been recorded with wild boars destroying nests in Bulgaria. Jackals, foxes, wolves, dogs and lynxes are also regular nest predators when water levels are low and White-tailed Eagles may attack pelicans at the colony to at least the size of fledgings. Sexual maturity is thought to be obtained at 3 or 4 years of age.
This pelican feeds almost entirely on fish. Preferred prey species can include Common carp, European perch, Common rudd, eels, catfish (especially silurids during winter), mullet and Northern Pike, the latter having measured up to 50 cm (20 in) when taken. In the largest remnant colony, located in Greece, the preferred prey is reportedly the native Alburnus belvica. The Dalmatian Pelican requires around 1,200 g (2.6 lb) of fish per day and can take locally abundant smaller fish such as gobies, but usually ignore them in lieu of slightly larger fish.
It usually forages alone or in groups of only twos or threes. It
normally swims along, placidly and slowly, until it quickly dunks its
head underwater and scoops the fish out, along with great masses of
water. The water is dumped out of the sides of the pouch and the fish is
swallowed. Occasionally it may feed cooperatively with other pelicans
by corraling fish into shallow waters and may even cooperate similarly
while fishing alongside cormorants in Greece.
Occasionally, the pelican may not immediately eat the fish contained in
its gular pouch, so it can save the prey for later consumption. Other small wetlands-dwellers may supplement the diet, including crustaceans, worms, beetles and small water birds, usually nestlings and eggs.
This huge bird is the largest of the pelicans and one of the largest
living bird species. It measures 160 to 183 cm (5 ft 3 in to 6 ft 0 in)
in length, 9–15 kg (20–33 lb) in weight and 290–351 cm (9 ft 6 in–11 ft
6 in) in wingspan. With a mean weight of around 11.5 kg (25 lb), it is the world's heaviest flying bird species on average although large male bustards and swans can exceed the pelican in maximum weight.It also appears to have one of the largest wingspans of any living bird, rivaling those of the great albatrosses.
The somewhat similar-looking Great White Pelican is typically slightly smaller but the largest male individuals can be essentially the same size as a typical Dalmatian. However, the Dalmatian differs from this other very large species in that it has curly nape feathers, grey legs and silvery-white (rather than pure white) plumage. In winter, adult pelicans of this species go from silvery-gray to a dingier brownish-gray cream color.
Immatures are grey and lack the pink facial patch of immature White
Pelicans. The loose feathers around the forehead of the Dalmatian
Pelican can form a W-like-shape on the face right above the bill.
It has an orange-red lower mandible and pouch in the breeding season
against a yellow upper mandible. In winter, the whole bill is somewhat
dull yellow. The bill, at 36 to 45 cm (14 to 18 in) long, is the second largest of any bird, after the Australian Pelican. The bare skin around the eye can vary from yellow to purplish in color. Among standard measurements, compared to the Great White Pelican, the Dalmatian's tarsus is slightly shorter, at 11.6 to 12.2 cm (4.6 to 4.8 in), but its tail and wing chord length are notably larger, at 22 to 24 cm (8.7 to 9.4 in) long and 68 to 80 cm (27 to 31 in), respectively. When the Dalmatian Pelican is in in flight, unlike other pelicans, the wings are all grayish-white but for black wing tips.
While on the wing, it is an elegant soaring bird and, if in a flock,
all the members of it will move in graceful synchrony. The neck is then
held back like a heron's in flight. It is the largest surviving creature that can fly.
The Dalmatian Pelican is often silent, as are most pelicans, although
it can be fairly vocal during the mating season. At this time, they may
engage in a wide range of guttural, deep vocalisations including barks,
hisses and grunts.
Pelecanus crispus breeds in eastern Europe and east-central Asia, in Serbia and Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Ukraine, Mongolia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
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